Easily your most Vibrant work Maya, and for the best--Love the way you made Red an Green work as Lights an Shadows
Easily your most Vibrant work Maya, and for the best--Love the way you made Red an Green work as Lights an Shadows
Wait was this painted on a Canvas or digital with texture brushes??
All the same man, this came out gorgeous ✨
Hey! It's fully digital. I always top it with textured effect, to give it a more traditional, fairy tale like, feel.
Thanks a lot man!! Stay real.🙏🏻
Duuuude, Everything about this piece is seriously Killer 🔥
Thank you so much !^^
A very unique set of details, don’t think I’ll ever forget this little guy. He’s well drawn out
Thank you so very much. I am honoured to hear that. :-)
I said this before in the thread, but I adore your rendering and lighting here. It’s both very well detailed but not at all complicating the overall composition or your characters
Thanks so very much for your beautiful comment. I am just testing out this coloration style right now, but so far, I think it works for my project. :-)
The use of lighting to create space is astounding in the animation, really wonderful work
Hey, thanks!! It gave me quite some work to do it hahahahahahhahshah xp
Broooooo she looks killer, an the festive wear looks awesome on her
Thank you sir, far to kind ^^
Deeeeefinitely a lot to take in, dudes got a hell of an arsenal an repertoire
just wait til i reveal the other forms, he's got a lot going for being an insecure loser
Merry Christmas! An Happy Holidays
Thank you!
Each one looks phenomenal, my favs are definitely Zen an Mattex tho they look seriously rad
Call me Neon, I’m an Artist and writer for my own story a lore. You’ll otherwise see me drawing nothin other than OC Art (self proclaimed OC factory).
Joined on 9/27/23